Goldenrod and Meadow Flowers, Fort Greene Park
From the
2021, software

Asters, Providence
From the
2021, software

Pink Alumroot, Elizabeth Park
From the
2021, software

Each consists of large sets of data points measured from gardens in a 3D scanning process. Each data point consists of spatial [XYZ] and color [RGB] information. The resulting data set is a discontinuous translation of a surface into discreet data points, filled with gaps and missing information. This compressed translation emphasizes certain ways in which humans experience a garden; as an aggregation of leaves, petals, stalks and stems, a set of discontinuous points forming an overall texture.
Clement Valla is a New York based artist whose work considers how humans and computers are increasingly entangled in making, seeing and reading pictures.
He has had recent solo exhibitions at PC Galleries in Providence, XPO Gallery in Paris and Transfer Gallery in Brooklyn. His work has also been exhibited at ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany; Draiflessen Collection, Mettingen, Germany; Stedelijk Museum, Breda, Netherlands; Bitforms Gallery, New York; Musée Cognacq-Jay, Paris, France; Haus der Photographie, Hamburg, Germany; Museum of the Moving Image, New York; KIM Contemporary Art Center, Riga, Latvia; Contemporary Art Museum, Raleigh; and The Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis;
His work has been cited in The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, El Pais, Huffington Post, Rhizome, Domus, Wired, The Brooklyn Rail, Liberation, and on BBC television. Valla received a BA in Architecture from Columbia University and an MFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in Digital+Media. He is currently an associate professor at the Rhode Island School of Design.

Klements Valla
Zeltgalvītes un pļavu ziedi, Grīna forta parks
2021, programmatūra
Asteres, Providensa
2021, programmatūra
Rozā koraļļu zvani, Elizabetes parks
2021, programmatūra
Katrs sastāv no plašām datu kopām punktu formātā, kas ir iegūti no dārziem 3D skenēšanas procesā. Katrā datu punktā ir iekļauta gan telpiskā [XYZ], gan krāsu [RGB] informācija. Rezultātā iegūtā datu kopa ir saraustīta zemes virsas interpetācija, kas ir pārveidota, apzināti izvēlētos datu punktus, kam ir trūkstoša informācija. Saspiestā informācija attēlo veidu kā cilvēki uztver dārzu; kā lapu, ziedlapu, stumblāju un stiebru sajaukumu, punktiem nevienmērīgi piepildot vispārējo tekstūru.