The GroundingUngrounding
2019, HD-video, 13:48 min, colour, BW, sound.
An open-ended documentary, the GroundingUngrounding is concerned with listening, observing, and speculating on rock formations’ energetic and geoelectric nature in the Blue Mountains World Heritage Region. The work takes as its inspiration from some of the ideas found in the novel Mt Analogue, by Rene Daumal (early 20th century), first published in 1959. Non-Euclidian Mountain climbing, differential geometry, and antenna theory guide the encounters with the local geomorphology and ancient residues of phase-shifted matter frozen in shape and form. In the spirit of pataphysics, the film follows the artists’ field recording journeys above and below the earth, from rocky ironstone banded pagodas, deep sandstone canyons to a chondrite stony meteorite. As the climbers of upside-down mountains, they listen to massless telluric currents and observe interference patterns in the noise. These are the occulted voices that allow us to get a sense that the earth dissolves into the cosmos.
Commissioned in 2019 by Bronwyn Bailey-Charteris, Sweden and Nina Stromqvist, Australia.
David Haines lives and works in the Blue Mountains NSW. His practice spans a wide variety of media, from immersive installation and experimental audio for performance to discrete objects, images, and aroma compositions. He often collaborates with artist Joyce Hinterding and is renowned for producing technologically innovative works that combine extensive photographic and video fieldwork with 3d visualisation and real-time interactive 3d environments. David is represented by Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney and is a lecturer at the University of Sydney, Sydney College of the Arts
Joyce Hinterding lives and works in the Blue Mountains NSW, Australia. Her practice is internationally recognised for exploring acoustic and electromagnetic phenomena with custom-built field recording and monitoring technologies, including VLF antenna and experimental graphite drawings. She often collaborates with artist David Haines to produce large scale immersive video and real-time interactive 3d environments. Joyce is represented by Sarah Cottier Gallery, Sydney and lecturers at the University of Sydney, Sydney College of the Arts.

Deivids Heinss un Džoisa Hinterdinga
2019, HD-video, 13:48 min, krāsa, BW, skaņa
Sazemējums ir dokumentālā filma ar “atvērtām” beigām, kurā tiek atspoguļota klinšu veidošanās enerģētiskā un ģeoelektriskā daba Zilo kalnu pasaules mantojuma reģionā, kā arī tās pētīšana, ar to saistītās pārdomas un ieklausīšanās tajā. Mākslas darba idejas iedvesmas avots ir Renē Domāla (agra 20. gs.) grāmata Analoga kalns, kas pirmo reizi ir publicēta 1959. gadā. Ne-Eiklīda kalnos kāpšana, diferenciālā ģeometrija un antenu teorija vada vietējo ģeomorfoloģiju un fāžu nobīdītās matērijas senās nogulsnes, kuru formas ir iesalušas. Patafizikas noskaņās, filmā ir attēlots mākslinieku lauku ierakstu ceļojumi gan virs, gan zem zemes, no akmeņainas dzelzs rūdas joslotām pagodām, dziļiem smilšakmens kanjoniem līdz akmeņainam hondrīta meteorītam. Kā otrādi apgrieztu kalnu kāpēji, mākslinieki ieklausās bezsvara telūriskās straumēs un novēro traucējumu saistības troksnī. Tās ir slepenas balsis, kas ļauj mums sajust kā zeme izirst kosmosā.
Darbs radīts 2019.gadā pēc Bronvina Beilija-Šarterija (Zviedrija) un Ninas Stromkvistas (Austrālija) pasūtījuma.

Credit: Image Courtesy the Artists and Sarah Cottier Gallery Sydney.

Credit: Image Courtesy the Artists and Sarah Cottier Gallery Sydney.