Plant Sense
2018, Alive installation
The Plants Sense is an installation that allows the audience to know and experience the secret language of plants. It is a transdisciplinary work that connects art, science, technology, and society.
The work consists of an interactive garden in which different sensors measure the electrical oscillations of the connected plants, and show their biochemical reactions to the human presence and the environment that surrounds them. All this information is processed and translated into vibrations and low-frequency sounds that allow the visitor to perceive the plants through a wearable. Likewise, different interfaces in the garden provide the public to experiment and feel in their own hands the registered reactions of the plants, through different electronic devices.
This interaction makes possible the communication between humans and plants, thus reaching the understanding of the vegetal language, unattainable without the help of the robotic systems developed by the artist.
This device translates and transmits precisely those signals that humans, due to our limited perceptual system, cannot receive in other way.
Work was created with the support of the VERTIGO project as part of the STARTS program of the European Commission, based on technological elements from the Flora Robotica, with the support of LABoral Centro de Arte.
María Castellanos & Alberto Valverde began working together in 2009. María is an artist and researcher, with a PhD in Contemporary Arts Practices from the University of Vigo. Currently she is postdoctoral researcher at OsloMet in the framework of FeLT Project –Futures of Living Technologies–. Alberto is an artist and technologist with experience in system design, interactive environments and robotics.
Their joint practice focuses on the hybridizations between cyborgs and wearables as a paradigm of the extension of human sensorial capabilities and the creation of complex systems that promote communication and understanding between humans and other species like plants.

Marija Kastelanos & Alberto Valverde
Augu maņas
2018, dzīvā instalācija
Augu maņas ir instalācija, kas ļauj skatītājam saprast un iepazīt augu slepeno valodu. Šis ir transdisciplinārs darbs, kas sapludina mākslu, zinātni, tehnoloģijas un sabiedrību.
Mākslas darbs veidots kā interaktīvs dārza, kurā dažādi sensori mērī savienoto augu elektriskās svārstības, kā arī parāda bioķīmiskās reakcijas, ko rada cilvēku klātbūtne un apkārtējā vide. Visa šī informācija tiek pārstrādāta un pārvērsta vibrācijās un zemas frekvences skaņās, kas ļauj skatītājam uztvert augus ar apģērba starpniecību. Dažādi dārza interfeisi un elektroniskās ierīces dod iespēju eksperimentēt un ar savām rokām sajust augu reakcijas.
Šī mijiedarbība padara iespējamu komunikāciju starp cilvēkiem un augiem, līdz ar to padziļinot izpratni par augu valodu, kas nebūtu iespējama bez mākslinieku veidotās robotiskās sistēmas.
Šī ierīce pārveido un pārraida tieši tos signālus, ko cilvēki dēļ ierobežotās uztveres sistēmas nevar uztvert citā veidā.
Darbs tapis projekta VERTIGO ietvaros kā daļa no Eiropas Komisijas STARTS programmas, balstoties uz Flora Robotica tehnoloģiskajiem elementiem ar LABoral mākslas centra atbalstu.