Mari mutare
2020/2021, spinach leaves, blood, video, digital AR filter
Mari mutare is an experiment with biocompatible prosthesis inspired by the proto-Christian ornament of the Greenman: a pagan hybrid figure half-plant, half-human. Influenced by biohacking philosophy, feminist theory and speculative design methodology, this project examines the potentiality of biopractices (biomedia practices) as knowledge-making tools in order to transcend human exceptionalism.
Perhaps all plant becoming is a form of resistance with political effects that, in this case, is materialised through a biocompatible prosthesis in order to integrate it into our being, in trying to transcend our skin beyond gender or species, we cross the membrane that separates the “I” from our environment and the “other”, talking about the flesh, about “animalising” ourselves, referring to the equalisation of the species: the reminder that we humans are also animals. It could also be said that the project is also a transition from ornament through prosthesis to an organ. The experience of the self and the other changes as part of our body is taken out or removed, becoming something foreign. The beautiful distance between “I” and “other”, between “I” and the environment, affects how we see ourselves and others.
This project is currently work-in-progress & supported by ProHelvetia, Hangar Barcelona (Biofriction EU program) and Utopiana Geneva.
Influenced by ethno-fiction, feminist theory and speculative design methodology, I focus on intimate interdependencies between humans and the ecologies we are embedded in by critically engaging with media in order to enable odd sympathies among people, the more-than-human and the technologies that intertwine them. Based in Lausanne and Berlin, my practice is at the crossroads of bio-practices of media, DIYBio, transfeminist practices, and speculative design methodology. I nourish (from) and believe (in) communities of makers/hackers working in alternative spaces to have the power to innovate and subvert the the dominating role of traditional science and technology. Part of the biohacking community of Hackuarium and Hackteria, I hold an Engineering Degree in Product Design (Mondragón Unibertsitatea, 2008) a Post-Grade in Product Conceptualization and Development (Elisava, Barcelona, 2010) and a Master of Media Design (HEAD-Genève, 2016).

Vanesa Lorenzo
Mari mutare
2020/2021, spinātu lapas, asinis, video, digitālais AR filtrs
Mari mutare ir eksperiments ar bioloģiski saderīgu protēzi, kura radīšanu iedvesmoja proto-kristiešu Zaļā vīra ornamenti: pagānu hibrīdfigūra, kas ir pa pusei augs, pa pusei cilvēks. Biouzlaušanas filozofijas, feminisma teorijas un spekulatīvā dizaina metodoloģijas iedvesmots, šis projekts pētī bio-paņēmienu (biomediju) potenciālu būt par zināšanu radīšanas rīkiem, kas pārvarētu cilvēku unikalitātes robežas.
Iespējams visu augu veidošanās ir pretošanās forma ar politiskām sekām, kas, šajā gadījumā, ir materilizējušās ar bioloģiski saderīgas protēzes starpniecību, ar mērķi integrēt to mūsu esībā, mēģinot pārvarēt dzimuma un sugas robežas, mākslas darbā tiek šķērsota membrāna, kas nošķir “Es” no mūsu vides un “citādā”, runājot par miesu, par mūsu “dzīvnieciskošanu”, atsaucoties uz sugu ekvivalizēšanos: atgādinājumu, ka cilvēki arī ir dzīvnieki. Varētu teikt, ka projekts ir arī kā pārēja no ornamenta caur protēzi uz orgānu. Sevis un citādā pieredzēšana mainās, kad kāda ķermeņa daļa tiek izņemta vai atdalīta un kļūst par kaut ko svešu. Skaistā distance starp “Es” un “citu”, starp “Es” un vidi, kas ietekmē kā mēs redzam sevi un citus.
Projekts atrodas tapšanas procesā un to atbalsta Hangar Barcelona (Biofrikcijas ES programma) un Utopiana Geneva.